Practice resources

These resources are written for legal professionals doing legal aid or pro bono work. If you do not have legal training, they may be difficult to understand. Visit resources from the main menu for legal information written and designed for the public.

Discrimination of an employee Resources
Explains causes of action for employment-based discrimination claims. Covers: discrimination actions, retaliatory discharge, workers' compensation, and employer negligence. 2021 edition.
Manual on how to hire, manage, and terminate employees. 2023 edition
This comprehensive guide to practice and procedure in employment discrimination cases in state and federal tribunals also includes editable forms. 2022 Edition.
A comprehensive guide to employment discrimination cases in state and federal tribunals also includes editable forms. 2022 Edition
Handbook on the challenges inherent in employment termination issues. 2018 Edition
Manual on employee and student rights in public schools including employee dismissal, suspension and more. 2021 edition