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Whenever you lose in court, you have the right to ask the court to reconsider its decision. You also have the right to appeal the decision to a higher court.
In most cases, you have 30 days or less from the date of the judge's decision to exercise these rights. Otherwise, you may lose your right to reconsideration or appeal. It is a good idea to get an attorney if you want to appeal.
If you disagree with the judge's decision to deny your child support request, you have a couple of options:
A Motion for Reconsideration is a motion that you file asking the trial court to reconsider its ruling. You have to state why you think that the court was wrong when it made the original ruling. You have thirty (30) days after the judge's decision to file a Motion for Reconsideration. Learn more about Preparing, filing, and presenting motions in court.
An appeal is a request to the appellate court asking it to look at the trial court's decision to see if it was right. You do not get a new trial. The rules regarding appeals are very complicated. You should either consult with an attorney or go to the law library and review the rules. You have thirty (30) days after the judge's decision to file an appeal. For more information, please read Appealing a Circuit Court decision.
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