Health & Benefits
Determining SNAP benefit amount Lawyer Manual

Use the online SNAP Calculator to determine eligibility.

  • Deductions from gross income determine net income, which is used to determine the amount of SNAP benefits. Units can take the following deductions from gross income:
  • Earned income deduction. 20% of earned income is not counted.
  • Standard deduction. All units receive a standard deduction of a fixed amount based on the unit’s size.
  • Excess shelter deduction for families with high housing costs. This includes a utility allowance.
  • Dependent care deduction for children or disabled adults for out-of-pocket child care costs when working or in school.
  • Child support payments when required by a support order.
  • Medical expenses for Qualified Members.
Last reviewed
July 15, 2022
Last revised
July 15, 2022

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