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E-filing tips - Cook County

This article goes over the process of e-filing using Odyssey e-fileIL in Cook County.

First, log in to the site by clicking "Sign in." If you don't have an account, click the "Register" button to create one.

There are two basic processes in e-filing:

Starting a New Case

To start a new case, click "Start a New Case."

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The next screen will have several fields to fill out. Below are some tips for filing correctly.

Case information

In the “Location” drop-down menu select "Cook County," the Division, and the District (1-6) where your case will be filed.

To find out which municipal district you are in, view this map.

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Case cross reference number

In the "Case Cross Reference Number" field, enter your attorney Cook County Attorney Code number.

If you are not a lawyer, enter the number "99500." This is the code for a pro se litigant.

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In the "Case Cross Reference Type" field, select "Cook County Attorney Code."

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In the "Filing code" field, select the type of document that matches what you are filing. If you're not sure, call the circuit clerk at 312-603-HELP (4357).

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Under "Lead document," click the upload button, then select the document you want to file.

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In the "Security" field, select "Non-Confidential" unless the judge has signed an order allowing the case to be sealed. If you mark your filing as “confidential,” you will need to include a court order that says it confidential or your filing may be rejected 

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Click "Save changes."

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More filings?

If you have more documents to file, click "Add Another Filing." Then follow the steps above.

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Lead documents vs. attachments

Most documents are "lead documents." You should only use "attachments" if the document is an exhibit or attachment to the document.

  • Example: When you file an Answer to an eviction, your Answer is the lead document. If you also filed a receipt for rent you paid, the copy of the receipt would be an "attachment."


In the "Party Responsible for Fees" field, select your name.

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Return date

If you are filing in a civil division, you will see a "Return date" section. A return date is a scheduled court date. Some filings require a return date, others do not.

To find out if you need a return date, press the "Verify" button:

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The system will let you know whether or not the return date field applies to you. If it does, it will pick the first available date. If not, it will put a checkmark in the "Return Date Not Applicable" box.

When filing an appearance, always click "Return Date Not Applicable."

Filing a document in an existing case

To file a document in an existing case, first, click "File into Existing Case."

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The next screen will have several fields to fill out. Below are some tips for filing correctly.


In the “Location” drop-down menu select "Cook County," the Division, and the District (1-6) where your case will be filed.

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Searching for a case

You can only search for the case by case number. You cannot search by party name. 

Enter the case number as follows.


First, enter the four-digit year that the case was filed: 

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Division letter(s) or number

Next, enter the division letter(s) or number you are filing in:

  • County = C
  • Domestic Relations = D
  • Law = L
  • Probate = P 
  • Chancery = CH
  • Order of Protection = OP
  • Civil Division District 1 = 1
  • Civil Division District 2 = 2
  • Civil Division District 2, Law Division = L2
  • Civil Division District 2, Domestic Relations Division = D2
  • Civil Division District 3 = 3
  • Civil Division District 3, Law Division = L3
  • Civil Division District 3, Domestic Relations Division = D3
  • Civil Division District 4 = 4
  • Civil Division District 4, Law Division = L4
  • Civil Division District 4, Domestic Relations Division = D4
  • Civil Division District 5 = 5
  • Civil Division District 5, Law Division = L5
  • Civil Division District 5, Domestic Relations Division = D5
  • Civil Division District 6 = 6
  • Civil Division District 6, Law Division = L6
  • Civil Division District 6, Domestic Relations Division = D6
Case number

Finally, enter the final 5 or 6 numbers of your case number. Enter 5 numbers if your division took 2 spaces. Enter 6 if your division only took 1 space.


The case was filed in 2015 in the Domestic Relations Divison of Municipal District 4, with case number 030542. To find the case, you would type:

  • 2018D430542

Scheduling motions

After you submit a motion, you will need to actually schedule a hearing for the motion. 

Scheduling motions in Civil and Law Divisions

In the Civil and Law Divisions, the hearing box may display dates when filing into an existing case. Do not choose a date unless your filing requires it. 

If you do not know if your filing requires a hearing date, call the division or district where you are filing.

Scheduling motions for post judgment cases - Civil Districts 1-6

To get a court date for post-judgment cases in Civil Districts 1-6, select "Return date" from the drop-down menu.

For more help e-filing, please visit Illinois Court Help

Last full review by a subject matter expert
December 10, 2018
Last revised by staff
June 13, 2022

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