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Exempt from e-filing in Illinois courts

What is a Good Cause reason for the Certification for Exemption from E-filing?

You do not have to electronically file documents if you are filing a sensitive document, such as an order of protection or civil no contact/stalking order.

You also do not have to e-file if do not have a lawyer at least one of the following statements is true:

  • You do not have the Internet or computer access in the home and travel presents a hardship (financial or otherwise),
  • You have trouble reading, writing, or speaking in English, or
  • You tried to e-file your papers, but you were not able to complete the process because the equipment or help you need was not available.

To file paper documents instead of e-filing, you can create the Certification for Exemption from e-filing by using our E-filing exemption Easy Form. If you want to download and print a PDF version, visit the Illinois Courts Standardized State Forms website. Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF forms. You will need to file your Certification for Exemption From E-filing with your other papers when starting a case.

You are automatically exempt from e-filing, and you do not need to use this form if:

For live help e-filing, please visit Illinois Court Help

Last full review by a subject matter expert
July 11, 2018
Last revised by staff
May 24, 2020

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