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Starting in 2023, you can file an anonymous complaint to the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board if you believe an Illinois state police acted in any of the following ways:
- They failed to reasonably get help, like medical care or other help, for someone in need,
- They provided false or misleading information on a form or report,
- They used excessive force, or
- They tampered with, destroyed, or concealed any record, document, data, video, or thing. This includes tampering with their car dash camera and body cameras.
Additionally, police officers have a duty to:
- Stop another police officer if they are using unauthorized and excessive force, and
- Make a report if another police officer on the scene has used unauthorized and excessive force.
You can also file an anonymous complaint if you believe an officer has failed in either of these duties.
Once you’ve filed your complaint, it will be investigated by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board. A police officer who is found to have committed police misconduct can be sentenced to a class 3 felony.
If you decide to file a complaint against an Illinois state police officer, you are not required to provide additional legal documentation, like a sworn affidavit.
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Worried about doing this on your own? You may be able to get free legal help.
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