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Filing costs for executive clemency

There is no filing cost to apply for clemency. However, you have to pay for the necessary documents. These include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Record of Arrests and Prosecutions (RAP) sheets,
  • Statewide criminal history reports, and
  • Certified court dispositions.

Additionally, you may have to pay for services such as having your petition notarized.

You do not need a lawyer to represent you. However, having one is helpful. Use our Get Legal Help tool to find a lawyer near you.

Note: This information applies to clemency for state crimes in Illinois. For information on clemency for federal crimes, visit the US Pardon Attorney's website.  For information on other state's crimes, contact your state government website.

Last full review by a subject matter expert
March 27, 2022
Last revised by staff
August 17, 2020

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