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General assistance work and training requirement checklist
If you get General Assistance (GA) and you are between the ages of 18 and 64, you are required to:
  • Look for a job, and
  • Participate in job activities.
You must do this in the following 3 ways:
  • Register with the Illinois Department of Employment Security. You are required to accept any real job offers unless you are sick, cannot find child care for your child, or your presence in the home is required because of the illness or incapacity of another member of the household,
  • Attend an educational or training program if one is available, and
  • Participate in a Community Work Program. You must either do Job Search, Training and Work (JSTW) or Workfare.
    • JSTW - participation requirements are decided by the township.
    • Workfare - You will be assigned a job without pay, such as cleaning the township office. This is required if you do not participate in JSTW.
If you do not cooperate with the job activities, you won’t get GA.
Last full review by a subject matter expert
November 17, 2021
Last revised by staff
March 14, 2022

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