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Making child support payments directly to the other parent

Child support should not be paid straight to the other parent unless the child support order says otherwise. Normally, the payment is taken straight out of the paying parent's paycheck. Then, it is sent to the Illinois State Disbursement Unit (SDU), and is then sent to the parent receiving child support.

If the child support order says to pay the parent receiving child support directly, never pay in cash. Use a money order or check, so there is a record of the payment.

If child support is paid directly to the other parent, the other parent and the State of Illinois may say that payment is still owed. It will then be on the paying parent to prove that they already paid that child support. This is why it is important to keep records of all payments.

Last full review by a subject matter expert
August 17, 2017
Last revised by staff
May 24, 2020

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