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Mobile home rent increase

Park owners can increase rent

Park owners can increase rent in the following 3 ways:

  1. The lease can include a rent increase between the first and second years of the lease. The rent increase can be based on a number of factors or formulas as long as the tenant knows what to expect,
  2. The park owner may increase rent by giving the tenant at least 90 days' prior written notice before the expiration of the lease. The rent increase cannot go into effect until the lease is renewed. The tenant then has 30 days to object to a rent increase. If no agreement is reached between the owner and tenant, the tenant has to move out before the date of the rent increase, and
  3. If the lease is month-to-month, the park owner must provide tenant with at least 90 days' notice before rent is increased.

Tenant cannot afford increase

Under the Rent Deferral Program, the law allows some tenants to continue paying the old rent amount for one year while attempting to sell the home, if the tenant:

  • Is trying to sell the mobile home using a licensed agent,
  • Provides an affidavit that says they are trying to sell the mobile home and that the new rent amount is more than 45% of their current income, and
  • Shows proof of their current income and assets with tax returns or similar documents.

Once the home is sold, the tenant will be required to pay the deferred rent portion which is the difference between the actual rent paid and the new rent amount per the rent increase notice. No interest or penalties will be assessed.

Last full review by a subject matter expert
May 21, 2021
Last revised by staff
May 24, 2020

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