House & Apartment

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Moving out after a judge orders an eviction

When the judge grants an order of eviction to the landlord, you will probably get some time to move. If you show up in court, you are more likely to get more time to move. Usually, the judge will give you 7-21 days. The date you have to move out will be listed on the Eviction Order.  The landlord cannot do anything before that date. If you need more time to move, you will need to file a motion with the court. 

Your landlord can never force you to move out or lock you out of your home. A landlord can only change the locks (1) after getting an eviction order from a judge; (2) after the wait time given by the court has passed; and (3) after the sheriff comes to perform the eviction.

If you are illegally locked out of your apartment by your landlord, see our information on getting locked out.

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Last full review by a subject matter expert
October 24, 2023
Last revised by staff
October 24, 2023

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