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Parents may be reimbursed for the school expenses they already paid. A parent may do this by filing a petition. It should ask the judge to order the other parent to contribute to the child's school expenses. A parent may be paid back. This could happen if it is stated in an Order of Support that the other parent must pay some of the school expenses.
But the judge might not order reimbursement for expenses paid before the parent filed the petition with the circuit clerk. A parent should file a petition to ask the other parent to contribute ASAP after the child either:
- Starts their post-high school education
- Continues with their high school education after turning 18
If the other parent was already ordered to contribute to the child's school expenses and is not doing so, the receiving parent may need to file a petition to enforce the prior court order.
For more information, please read Enforcing my child support order.
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