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The following information is from Adult Protective Services (APS) and Age Options. APS investigates abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. Age Options helps older adults with community-based resources and options. This describes the self-neglect program.
What is self-neglect?
Self-neglect means that you are unable to perform necessary self-care tasks. This neglect could seriously threaten your own health. You might be unable to perform these tasks because of mental or physical impairments, or both.
What are examples of self-neglect?
Some examples of self-neglect include absence of:
- Essential food
- Clothing
- Shelter
- Health Care
Other examples include hoarding disorder. Having a hoarding disorder means you save a large number of items and materials to create a cluttered living space. A hoarding disorder could hinder your ability to do necessary self-care tasks. It can also threaten your life or safety.
What can APS help you with?
APS interventions with consenting individuals can include referrals for a number of issues. These issues include:
- Medical
- Social
- Economic
- Legal
- Housing
- Law Enforcement
The APS staff always involves you in the development of a case plan. Depending on the case, some situations can be eligible for funds to assist with repairs, cleanup, temporary housing, counseling, or additionals caseworker services. APS can be involved with an individual up to 12 months, or 15 months with an extension.
Reporting to APS
When it comes to the self-neglect program, you do not have to report to the APS. In every instance, APS maintains strict confidentiality of records and the reporter's name is never made public.
Agency Information
- Phone: (708) 383-0258
- Fax: (708) 524-0870
- Online
- 24 Hour Senior Help Line: (866) 800-1409, (888) 206-1327
This pamphlet gives you additional information about the Self-Neglect Program.
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