What you do in your ‘day job’ ?

I am a law assistant at a law firm. My main tasks are gather all the documentation to initiate the different lawsuits we present and attending the different courtrooms to check on each file (normally I would go to each building walking but because of covid-19 I do that online).

How many articles have you translated for ILAO?

I believe I translated over 25 articles into Spanish! [ THANK YOU, Florencia! ]

Why did you become a Translator volunteer? 

I am a lawyer and I want to do a Masters in Translation. I always felt curious about it and that could really add to my professional career. That`s how I thought of volunteering in ILAO; I could gain experience as a legal translator and also learn about other legal systems while helping others.

What do you like most about being an ILAO volunteer? What have you gained from your time with ILAO? 

When I studied comparative law at university, it was more focused on the Spanish legal system or the British one. Except for one or two famous cases we didn't see much of the US legal system. So, being able to learn about the legal system through translation is very interesting. I have translated 6 different topics and learned a lot of them, not only about how it works but also new vocabulary.

Florencia Fontana, translation volunteer

What is something that surprised you while volunteering with ILAO? 

The different topics that the tasks were about, it really varies and that makes the experience 10 times richer.

Tell us a story about when you helped someone as a volunteer or a memorable experience volunteering. 

During january of 2020 I volunteered in a hostel in Bérgamo, Milán, Italy. I chose that city because of the closeness to my grandfather's birthplace in Switzerland. He had written several diaries from his childhood so it was a wonderful experience being able to “walk his feet”. I got so much closer with the language, the lifestyle he had throughout his childhood. It was a unique experience.

Favorite technology at the moment?

My favourite technology at the moment is Duolingo. I`ve been taking German online lessons and being a difficult language for Spanish speakers. With Duolingo it is easier to keep practising everyday and learn new vocabulary.

Alternative [or dream] career?

I would love to teach English to kids. I think it would be so much fun and also very rewarding. When I first learned it we played games, sang songs and made all sorts of fun activities. It would be great to replicate that.

What law would you create and why? 

There are several countries that have laws to protect their pets. In Argentina, you can see a lot of stray dogs and cats that sometimes are being left on the streets by their owners. I would create a law that makes mandatory for owners to register all the pets they own so they have to be accountable for them. Pets too many people are part of their family and they bring unconditional love. I don't believe that they are treated with the rights they deserve.

ILAO's 20th Anniversary logo, 2001-2021