What you do in your ‘day job’?

I'm a Senior Staff Attorney at Life Span Center for Legal Services & Advocacy, representing survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in divorce, parentage, Order of Protection and Civil No Contact Order cases.

What is your volunteer role and tenure? 

I have been a Subject Matter Expert since 2011, reviewing ILAO's legal content. 

How did you become a Legal Content volunteer?

I became a Legal Content reviewer because former ILAO staffer Stephanie Villinski asked me to review an article.

What do you like most about being an ILAO volunteer?

I like being able to remove some of the barriers in accessing justice for pro se litigants.

Jean Bax smiling photo

What have you gained from your time with ILAO?

I have gained the satisfaction of knowing that pro se litigants can more easily access the court system.

Do you have a favorite technology at the moment?

My favorite app right now is Duolingo. I have been using it to practice Italian during the pandemic.

If you had an alternative or dream career, what would it be?

Alternative career would be a combination of running shoe tester, bakery/gelato shop taster and professional dog petter

ILAO's 20th Anniversary logo, 2001-2021