Where do you currently work? 

Presently, I’m job-seeking.  My career has been working in labor and employment law, plus a few corporate law services (e.g.: contracts). In my last position, I spent ten years as general counsel for an engineering and manufacturing firm.

How did you get to volunteer with ILAO? 

In 2016, I became a volunteer after finding ILAO at a Chicago Bar Association Pro Bono Open House. I was looking for volunteer work I could do remotely that would fit my work and personal life.  I believe ILAO is the finest free legal resource available in Illinois.  What I love most about the ILAO website is that it gives people the power to self-advocate and it takes away the “mystery” surrounding our legal system. When my friends have a legal question that I can’t answer, I send them directly to ILAO.

Mary Bell photo

Can you give us memorable experience while volunteering? 

This fall, I became a volunteer with Pro Bono Network.  One opportunity there is an online legal counseling clinic where we respond to users seeking legal help through the Illinois Free Legal Answers site.  Sometimes, we reach outside our legal “comfort zone” and take questions in unfamiliar areas of law.  When we do our research, our tried-and-true resource is ILAO!   

What is something that surprised you while volunteering with ILAO? 

For me, the most surprising thing I've learned though pro bono work is that it's one of the most enjoyable things about being an attorney. I waited a long time before reaching out to volunteer because I didn’t think that I had any skills to offer and I was “so busy!”  Funny thing, the more I volunteer, the more I look forward to the next project.  Now I offer my services to several agencies.  My only regret is that I didn’t reach out sooner.

I feel fortunate to have this opportunity to offer my legal services to the public through ILAO.  I’m glad ILAO was there when I was ready to take the plunge.  I hope the content I write gives someone the ability to advocate for a better solution on their behalf.  I look forward to my next assignment and the chance to dig in, learn more and, hopefully, help others. 

ILAO's 20th Anniversary logo, 2001-2021