Health & Benefits

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TANF sanctions and reconciliation

Your family can get sanctioned if it does not follow the rules for:

  • Work
  • Child support
  • School attendance

If you get sanctioned, DHS should contact you at least once a month to try to get you back in the program. You must continue to participate in work and training activities even while sanctioned. If you do, will keep getting supportive services.

DHS can withhold your cash and medical benefits until you cooperate, unless:

  • You are pregnant; or
  • You delivered a baby within the last 60 days.

Sanctions cannot be applied to the amount that is designated for children.

Your family will keep getting medical and SNAP benefits. But your SNAP benefits will not go up just because your TANF benefits stopped. 

Learn more about Getting food stamps (SNAP)

Reconciliation by showing good cause or compliance with RSP

Responsibility and Services Plan is also called RSP. Reconciliation can happen if you are being sanctioned but:

  • You disagree with the activities included in your RSP; or
  • You want to show that you are following the rules.

If you disagree with your RSP, you must show good cause for why you did not follow it. Some examples of good cause are:

  • DHS failed to provide the supportive services that are part of your RSP;
  • You were temporarily sick;
  • You had a family crisis;
  • You could not get child care for your child under age 13;
  • You became homeless;
  • You received a utility shut-off notice or your utilities are shut-off; or
  • You received an eviction notice.

If you prove that you are in compliance, your benefits will resume on the first day of the next month.

Last full review by a subject matter expert
August 17, 2017
Last revised by staff
August 09, 2023

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