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Once you have fixed the problems for the shut-off or provided a valid medical certificate, the utility company must timely turn on your service. If the utility company does not meet the time limits, you may not have to pay a reconnection fee.
If the delay is for 2 or more calendar days and was not your fault, the utility must credit your account:
- Two non-prorated monthly charges, or
- Three non-prorated monthly charges if the shut off was a mistake.
Reconnection time limits vary depending on your situation:
- The utility must reconnect your service within one business day (M-F) if:
- You provide a valid medical certificate; or
- The utility disconnects your service by mistake. In this case, you will not have to pay a reconnection fee.
- Your electric, water, or sewer service must be turned on within 4 calendar days once you are eligible.
- Your natural gas service must be turned on within 7 calendar days once you are eligible.
The time limits do not apply if:
- You do not give the utility company access to reconnect the service;
- The shut-off happened at place other than the meter as a result of lack of access;
- Repair is needed to correct damage or an unsafe condition; or
- Unforeseen reasons cause delay.
Do not avoid paying your bill by having another person apply for services:
If you try to get someone else in your home to apply, it may lead to trouble. The utility can punish you by requiring a deposit. This is called a Payment Avoidance by Location (PAL) deposit.
A PAL deposit is 1/3 of the estimated annual charges for your home. It must be paid in full before service is reconnected. This PAL deposit is in addition to any other deposits or fees.
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Worried about doing this on your own? You may be able to get free legal help.
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