Crime & Traffic

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What should I do when a car accident happens?

If you are involved in an accident, there are important steps you should take to protect your rights. This article explains them.

Stop your vehicle

Stop your vehicle in a safe way that does not block traffic. Leaving the scene of an accident can be a crime. You could also lose your driver's license.

If you hit and run, and there is only property damage, it could be a Class A misdemeanor. That's a maximum fine of $2,500 and 1 year in jail. If there’s an injury or death, it's a felony. This could mean several years in jail.

Call the police

Call the police when you get in an accident. Then get an accident report.

If the accident results in personal injury or death of any person, you must contact the police within 30 minutes of the accident.

​​​​​If you fail to report an accident, you may lose your license.

Provide information

In any accident, you must provide basic information to anyone else in the accident. This includes your:

  • Name,
  • Address, and
  • License plate number.

If asked, you must also show your driver's license. 

Help injured people

When there is an injury, you must help. For example, helping the injured person get to the hospital.

Leave info if no one is around

If there's only damage to a parked vehicle or other property, you must stop. You must try to locate the owner of the damaged vehicle or property. If you cannot find the owner, you must provide the same basic information mentioned above. Attach it securely somewhere it can easily be found.

You must still contact the police and IDOT if the damage is more than $1,500 (see above).

Last full review by a subject matter expert
May 24, 2021
Last revised by staff
June 24, 2021

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Worried about doing this on your own?  You may be able to get free legal help.

Part of the Drivers' rights library, sponsored by Reed Smith.