Steps to meet the requirements for a nonprofit from creating the board of directors to writing bylaws.
Explains items that are taxable and how to apply for tax-exempt status as a nonprofit.
Outlines hierarchy and responsibilities of board of directors and employees in a nonprofit.
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Overview of service animal protections for owners and what laws landlords and business owners must follow when dealing with service animals and their owners.
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Explains taxes as the sole proprietor of a business or filing a business partnership.
Explains the requirements for paying employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
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Steps to become an LLC from filing Articles of Organization to laws that you must follow.
Steps to incorporate your business from filing Articles of Incorporation to becoming an S corporation.
Explains the definition of a nonprofit organization and the difference between a nonprofit and for-profit business.
Information about businesses in Illinois that need licenses to operate.
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Explains business agreements for partnerships, LLC's, corporations, and family members.
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How to look at simple contracts for leases, employment contracts, and business partnerships.
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Learn about who is considered a freelance worker, their rights, and related issues like taxes. Understand the protections for freelance workers under the Illinois Freelance Worker Protection Act.
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