Practice resources

These resources are written for legal professionals doing legal aid or pro bono work. If you do not have legal training, they may be difficult to understand. Visit resources from the main menu for legal information written and designed for the public.

Disability or old age benefits (SSI, SSDI or AABD) Resources
Gives information about how to file a request for reconsideration.
Lawyer Manuals
Explains filing a Request for Reconsideration in overpayment cases, late appeals, and overpayments for SSDI and SSI.
Lawyer Manuals
An article for lawyers that describes the elements of the five-step evaluation process to be eligible for SSI or SSDI.
Text article
Grounds for requesting that SSA reduce the repayment amount owed by a SSDI or SSI beneficiary in overpayment cases.
Text article
Gives information about the different options you have for late appeals.
Lawyer Manuals
Gives information about issues arising from SSDI Work-Related Overpayments.
Lawyer Manuals
This article for attorneys explains overpayments, Notices of Overpayment, SSA's appeals process, and SSA's options for collecting overpayment.
Text article
Gives information about issues arising from SSI non-work related overpayments.
Lawyer Manuals
Gives information about issues arising from SSI work related overpayments.
Lawyer Manuals