House & Apartment

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Reasons why Section 8 vouchers can be taken away

If you get Section 8 rental assistance, you must follow the rules in the lease. You must meet the Section 8 program rules. You have to pay rent on time. You must keep the unit in good condition. Report changes in income or family size to the Housing Authority.

You can be removed from the Section 8 program. Then the federal government will not help pay your rent. You will be responsible for paying the full amount of the rent.

The most common reasons for losing your Section 8 voucher are:

  • Breaking any of the program's family obligations. For example, providing false information. Or, not providing required information to the Housing Authority,
  • Criminal activity or alcohol abuse. This must threaten the health and safety of others. Or, repeatedly disturbs them,
  • Violent criminal activity,
  • Drug-related criminal activity,
  • Not paying rent on time,
  • Not keeping utilities like gas, electric, or water on in the unit,
  • Missing recertification appointments or inspections,
  • Allowing an unapproved person to live in the unit. The Housing Authority needs to approve residents,
  • Not living in the unit, or
  • Eviction.

Section 8 tenants can be victims of domestic violence. They may not be terminated from the program for some reasons. This includes criminal activity directly related to the abuse. Domestic violence victims should speak with a lawyer if they think they are being evicted for this reason. Learn more about deciding on the right lawyer by watching this video

Last full review by a subject matter expert
October 30, 2019
Last revised by staff
May 24, 2020

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