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TANF benefit time limits

You can’t get TANF for more than 60 months, total. This is true even if you received TANF benefits in another state. 

A month does not count towards the 60 if you:

  • Work at least 30 hours per week and still qualify for cash assistance (35 hours for two-parent families);
  • Are a single parent and attend a postsecondary education program full time and maintain a cumulative 2.5-grade point average;
  • Provide constant in-home care for a medically dependent child under 21; 
  • Provide care for a disabled child or spouse; or
  • Are approved for a Domestic Violence Exclusion.

Exceptions to the 60-month limit

Some families can get TANF for more than 60 months. If you have reached the 60-month limit, but you have a minor child who is a parent, your child can get TANF. 

If your minor child who is a parent goes to live with another relative, that relative may receive TANF for your child. The relative will have the same 60-month limit on TANF benefits.
To get the exception, you and your family must meet one or more of the following:

  • You are eligible for and have applied for SSI or disability;
  • You have a medical condition that prevents full-time employment;
  • You are receiving services through a program that prevents full-time work (includes DCFS, domestic violence, homeless services, mental health, substance abuse, and vocational rehabilitation programs);
  • You are enrolled in an approved education or training program that will end within 6 months of time running out;
  • You have a family care barrier; or
  • Your child is approved for Home and Community-based Care waiver.

If there are at least 2 adults, only one has to meet an exception for the whole family to get TANF.

Last full review by a subject matter expert
July 12, 2018
Last revised by staff
May 24, 2020

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