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What do abbreviations on a RAP sheet mean?

When you read your criminal or juvenile record, you might see some abbreviations. Below you can see what these abbreviations mean. 


Common abbreviations for charges in alphabetical order. 

AGG – Aggravated

CDTP - Criminal damage to property 

CTTL - Criminal trespass to land

CTTR - Criminal trespass to residence

CTTSL - Criminal trespass to State land

CTTV - Criminal trespass to vehicle

D/C - Disorderly conduct

DAOPW -  Drinking alcohol on the public way

DB - Domestic battery

DCS - Delivery of a controlled substance

DSL - Driving on a suspended license

Man/Del - Manufacturing and delivery

OP - Order of protection

PCS - Possession of a controlled substance

PCS w/Int - Possession with intent to deliver

POC - Possession of cannabis

PROS, Prost -  Prostitution

SOL - Solicitation 

S/R - Soliciting rides

SUB - Soliciting unlawful business

VOBB  - Violation of bail bond

VOOP - Violation of order of protection

VOP - Violation of probation

Court abbreviations

Common abbreviations for what happened in court. The outcome of a case is called a disposition.

B - Bond

B/A - By agreement 

BF - Bond forfeiture 

BF-SOL - Bond forfeiture & SOL (case is dismissed)

BFW - Bond forfeiture warrant

CALL - All counts

CE - Guilty/Conviction with a Certificate of Eligibility for Expungement from the Prisoner Review Board. You petitioned the Prisoner Review Board and were given eligibility to erase a conviction from your criminal record.

Court - Court supervision completed successfully. The court kept your case open for a set period of time, and because you followed all of the conditions during that time, the court dismissed the criminal charges against you.

DA - Dismissal / Acquittal

DWP - Dismissed without prejudice. What's this? 

FC - Felony conviction 

FG - Finding of guilty

FI -  Factually innocent 

FNG - Found or finding of not guilty. The court decided you were not guilty of the offense you were charged with.

FNPC - Finding of no probable cause. The court dismissed the case because it decided that there was no probable cause (reason) to believe that you had committed the offense that you were accused of.

[enter] - Guilty or conviction reversed or vacated. The court originally decided you were guilty of an offense, but then reviewed your case and decided you were not guilty, or the court canceled the original finding of guilt. 

JT - Jury trial

JW - Jury waived

LFD - Leave to file denied

MC - Misdemeanor conviction 

M/D - Motion defendant 

M/S - Motion state

NIC - Defendant not in court 

NP or Nolle - Nolle prosequi. The state stopped prosecuting your case and the court dismissed the case.

NS - Non-suit. In an Ordinance Violation case, the local municipal attorney has the option to bring the case back up again. If they do not, the case is considered dismissed. 

Pardon - guilty or conviction with a Pardon from the Governor. The court found you guilty of an offense, but the Governor granted you a pardon that allows the expungement of your criminal record. 

PG - Plea of guilty

PNG - Plea of not guilty

QP - Successfully completed First Offender Drug Probation or Qualified Probation. This type of probation can also be called 410, 710, 1410, or TASC probation when the court determines the arrest was a result of alcohol or drug addiction and must be reflected in the record. You can tell if you received this special type of probation by the court disposition. 

RWC, RWOC - Released without Charging. You were arrested but not charged with an offense or brought to court. 

SOJ - Substitution of judge

SOL - Stricken off with leave to reinstate. The state has the option to bring the case back up again. If they do not within 120 – 160 days, the case is considered dismissed. 

SOL WRT - Stricken with leave to reinstate and warrant

VG - Verdict of guilty

VNG - Verdict not guilty (jury)


Common abbreviations related to sentencing in alphabetical order.

CCDOC - Cook county department of corrections. The court determined you committed the offense. You were sentenced to time in jail or prison.

CD - Conditional discharge. The court determined you committed the offense. You were sentenced to meet certain conditions and if you did not you would be resentenced.

CTDS - Credit defendant for time served

Fine (without court supervision) - The court determined you committed the offense. You were sentenc

ed to pay a fine.

IDOC - Illinois department of corrections. The court determined you committed the offense. You were sentenced to time in jail or prison.

IDJJ - Illinois department of juvenile justice

JTDC - Juvenile temporary detention center

Prob - Probation (not Qualified Probation). The court determined you committed the offense. You were sentenced to report to a Probation Officer. 

PTS - Probation terminated satisfactorily

PTU - Probation terminated unsatisfactorily

SUP - Supervision

TASC - Treatment alternatives for a safe community 

TCS - Time considered served. The court determined that you committed the offense. The time you spent in jail waiting for the court to hear your case was considered your sentence. 

Last full review by a subject matter expert
October 08, 2023
Last revised by staff
October 10, 2023

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